Good Triumphant over Evil…at Least on Stage

Week 14: Monday

A number of you (mostly from outside Israel) have written to me in the last couple of weeks, expressing appreciation for my reflections on ‘the situation’. Thank you for that support. While I actually want to write about a couple of entirely different things today, let me start by briefly reflecting on the state we are currently in.

Plenty of Whats, but Precious Few Hows

Discussion in the corridors of power, in the media and on the street is increasingly about ‘the day after’. This phrase is, I fear, deliberately vague, because everyone is increasingly reluctant to articulate exactly what marks the day before the day after. The official talk is of the aims of the war being the complete destruction of Hamas’s capability and the return of the abductees. However, exactly how we achieve either of those aims is far from clear.

Will anything less than the killing of all 30,000(?) Hamas operatives completely destroy Hamas’s capability? Tzahal claims to have successfully destroyed Hamas as an organised fighting force in northern Gaza. I very much doubt that that is the same as completely destroying its capability. What Tzahal has achieved to date, remarkable as it is both in its success and in its minimisation of civilian casualties, looks like little more than kicking the can down the road. Further down the road than previously, certainly; but, nevertheless…

(Let me put that ‘minimisation’ into context. Yesterday, the Gazan Health Ministry reported that at least 22,835 Gazans have been killed in the war. Israel reported that about 8,500 Hamas fighters have been killed. This represents a ratio of 1.7 civilian deaths for each terrorist death, in a war fought against terrorists embedded among and shielding themselves with a civilian population. This ratio is unprecedentedly low in the history of warfare.)

As for ‘bringing the abductees home’, everybody agrees that this is an aim; but how is it to be achieved? “They ‘must’ come home before 100 days are up” is the latest mantra, but it is a mantra without teeth. The sad fact is that, when you are fighting an organisation like Hamas, there are no pressures that you can put on them to force their hand.

The only thing we could offer them is an immediate end to the war and the release of security prisoners. As Hamas has made clear, this would be the equivalent of offering them the opportunity to prepare for a repeat of October 7 in another couple of years. Nothing else that we could offer Hamas (in other words, nothing that we would be prepared to offer) would be more valuable to them than witnessing the agony that their continued torture of the abductees inflicts on Israel.

The Histadrut (National Trade Union) has declared a 100-minute national strike on the 100th day (January 14) to support the families of the hostages. I may be a cynic, but I fail to see how a national strike supports the families. I would have thought that a more meaningful gesture than damaging the economy and adversely affecting the functioning of Israel’s public life would have been volunteering to work an extra 100 minutes on that day. They could use this extra time to advance such initiatives as the payment of grants to businesses crippled by the war, and the provision of practical and emotional support for displaced families.

The entire Jerusalem Post magazine section last Friday was devoted to ‘the day after’, but, again, it was full of whats and almost empty of hows. Yes, a framework for Gaza has to be found where terrorism is no longer taught in the schools, but how? Yes, Gaza has to be rebuilt and its economy established and grown, while ensuring that no resources are taken to rebuild a terrorist infrastructure, but how? Yes, ‘the world’ has to take some responsibility for the policing and the nurturing of Gaza, but how?

Stating the whats when there are no hows to be found is, sadly, little more than mouthing political slogans, whether it is the Prime Minister or the man in the street making the statement. We are in Week 14, but the day before the day after looks no clearer and no nearer. The Chief of Staff stated yesterday during an assessment of the situation: “The year 2024 will be challenging. We will be at war in Gaza. We will be fighting in Gaza for the entire year.”

And so to matters less heart-wrenching, but no less important to me.

In the Eye of the Beholder

A week and a half ago, I took Tao to ‘the circus’. This was billed as a Ukrainian circus appearing on the stage of our local cultural centre in Maale Adumim in a performance dedicated to the memory of a local soldier who had been killed in Gaza. Quite apart from being on the side of justice in two current armed conflicts, and involving no animal acts, we thought that this was something Tao would really enjoy, and I would just about be able to tolerate.

In the event, the noise from the audience was far less than I had feared. Indeed, I could hardly hear the audience of children. Sadly, this was because the volume of the music that played throughout the performance was deafening. Tao didn’t make many comments during the performance, but I was unable to hear any of the few he did make.

The performance was very interesting, not least because of the difference between Tao’s experience and mine. What I watched was a rather sad affair: two Ukrainian circus people – a man and a woman – had been brought over, and augmented by half-a-dozen Israeli amateur gymnasts.

The Ukrainian woman performed a fairly good act balancing on a growing tower of chairs (although she failed to conceal the fact that each chair solidly locked into the one below it, rendering the act considerably less death-defying). She followed this with a graceful act balancing and spiralling on a silk skein suspended from the stage flies. The Ukrainian man performed a very good high-wire act, executing a perfect back somersault, and crossing the wire with his partner on his shoulders.

Apart from that, there was an inordinate amount of strutting and posturing by the Israelis, a few floor exercises, some bouncing on giant tyres and on Oscar-Pistorius-inspired blades attached to their ankles, and some general padding out of the afternoon.

Woven less than artfully around these acts, and ostensibly holding them together, was a devilish plot. A personification of evil (who provided the comic relief), was battling the rest of the cast (who, in a very demanding suspension of disbelief, we were required to believe were superheroes) for world supremacy. The villain’s avowed aim was to destroy the world, which would mean the elimination of fun and happiness but also, as he fiendishly pointed out, the elimination of school.

At the end of the performance, the superheroes were triumphant, trapping the villain in a net and hoisting him above the stage until he repented his evil ways, and left the audience with a message to spread love and joy.

While I was marvelling at the amateurishness of all this, Tao was never less than absorbed and more than once spellbound. At some point I decided to stop watching the action on stage and instead watch Tao. I then got much more out of the show, with the result that we both had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. As a bonus, by the time we returned home, I had almost completely regained my hearing.

I was a little surprised that the performance included an intermission, until I realised that this was just a marketing ploy. The foyer of the cultural centre was given over to the sale of merchandise. On offer were water guns, equipped with laser sights and looking chillingly realistic. Of course, in a country where every child at the moment sees assault rifles in their homes, streets, shopping malls and synagogues, authenticity is significant. Well, I had no intention of buying an assault rifle, even a water-firing one. So we kept looking.

Also on offer were rotor hand-held fans, laser-pointers and suchlike, all looking rather tatty and all on the theme of Santa Claus. Well, I had no intention of buying any of that, either. So we kept looking. Tao, I have to say, was very patient and accepted without any fuss that we weren’t buying anything we had seen so far.

It was at this point that we discovered a small pile of bubble-blowing guns. The downside was that they required a battery and played music. The upside was that the volume of the music was soft, and each gun came with not one but two bottles of bubble-mixture. Fortunately, Tao thought a bubble-blowing gun was a wonderful idea as well; the price was a half of what I had expected, and so we made our purchase.

Sadly, once we were home, Tao demonstrated that, in the imagination of a four-year-old, a rainbow-coloured bubble gun can be conjured into being as destructive as any far more realistic assault rifle. Still, once his parents had insisted that the slipperiness of the bubble-mixture spill meant that this was an outdoor toy, we were all well satisfied.

While Tao was at live theatre, Ollie was engaged in a puppet show, and Raphael was learning all about the seasons at gan.

485 Words…and Another 9000

Week 13: Sunday

I was just reflecting on the fact that it no longer seems practical to measure the passage of the war in days. This, in itself, is unusual for Israel when marking the passage of time during wars, but, as we approach the three-month mark, nothing points to a conclusion being reached any time soon. Today’s local news seems to be probing this passage of time from any number of directions.

First, the Government today decided to further postpone the local and municipal elections from the end of January to the end of February. With large numbers of candidates for mayor and for council seats currently serving in the forces, and with potentially many more than a hundred thousand reservist voters still serving on January 31, it is widely felt that a fair election campaign, and a large and informed voter turnout, would prove impossible.

In addition, the academic year in higher education officially began today, having already been postponed. It is impossible to see how the close to 30% of students who are currently serving in the forces can be expected to make up the time they will inevitably lose; even if remote-learning and other provisions are made, it is unrealistic to expect women and men fighting a war to be able to give any thought to their academic studies. On the other hand, the country cannot afford economically to ‘lose’ an entire academic year’s cohort. There is, I fear, no fair and practical solution.

Meanwhile, the fragile coalition seems to be showing signs of cracking over, among other things, the issue of whether the question of what ‘the day after’ looks like is a ‘military’ question for the smaller war cabinet that includes representatives of parties that have joined the Government for the period of the war, or a ‘civil’ question for the larger security cabinet that includes the Likud’s right-wing partners in the Government.

These issues are, of course, playing out against the background of hundreds of thousands still displaced and with no prospect of returning to their homes in the coming weeks, with all of the domestic and national emotional and economic strain that this brings.

And above and beyond all of this is the still horrifyingly large number of abductees and prisoners of war held in Gaza, whose release seems no nearer this week than last.

Surrounded by all of this, with an extraordinary dissonance that I am finding it almost impossible to cope with, we have been enjoying the first week of Micha’el and the family staying with us. They arrived in the small hours of Sunday night, and after a day and a half Esther and the family came for a couple of days. Rather than attempt to write at length about my very mixed thoughts and feelings in this most surreal of weeks, I thought I would leave you this week with a photo montage.

This is the Calm Before?

Day 79: Sunday

Two of my readers last week asked me to drop them from the list of recipients, because “What started out as an interesting blog posting highlights of Michael’s experiences in a new country has now become political …. the news is distressing enough without adding to it.” I’m not sure that ‘political’ is the word that I would choose for what these posts have largely been over the last couple of months, but that is nit-picking. I accept the charge by-and-large, and it has set me musing about this whole blogging business, not for the first time.

The fact is, of course, that Penamacorrespondent has not been an accurate title for a very long time now, and the blurb on the Background page of the blog, proclaiming that ‘This blog is the story of our retirement adventure’ is only intermittently accurate. The simple truth is that this blog is a distillation of whatever swims most powerfully into my head in the twenty minutes after I sit down at the laptop on a Sunday or Monday every week. There have been weeks when I knew what I wanted to write about well in advance. Some of those have been recent weeks, and others have been weeks when we actually were in Portugal. However, more often than not, I start writing and hope that a theme will emerge. This is, as you may have suspected, starting to feel like one of those weeks. It’s not that the war is any less real or immediate, but rather that I do not feel that this is a week where there were dramatic developments on any front. I don’t feel I have anything new to add to the debate.

For us personally, it’s been a funny old week. Bernice has been opening more and more doors of her own personal Advent calendar. I’d better explain that quickly.

Micha’el, Tslil, Tao and Ollie should be arriving on our doorstep, God willing, around 4:00AM Monday morning, for a three-week stay. (Don’t worry – I’ll update you at the end of this post.) So, we have been excitedly counting down to December 25. For Bernice, rather than the calm before the storm, this has meant a co-ordinated campaign, mapped out meticulously in a series of to-do lists strategically deposited around the kitchen; a campaign of borrowing mattresses, bimbas (which are ride-on toys – we have to have at least two, and preferably three – to avoid tensions when Raphael joins us), high-chairs and so on; buying the one or two items of toddler and child equipment we haven’t yet acquired; organizing the children’s books; finding increasingly fiendish hiding places for the presents; cleaning bedrooms, washing windows, making up beds; leafing through menus; stocking up on nappies, favoured snacks and suchlike.

I cunningly managed to avoid almost all of this heavy lifting, by scheduling to give a talk in shul on Shabbat eight days ago and a talk to the local English-speaking seniors group last Tuesday. This meant that I was locked in the office researching, creating a PowerPoint presentation and polishing my notes until Tuesday. I conveniently came down with a cold then, which has actually become quite chesty, so I have been severely restricted. I did manage, on Wednesday and Thursday, to lay down supplies of my baking that would, in other circumstances, see Bernice and myself through the winter. If I’m lucky, they may last the expanded family a week: granola, rye bread with caraway seeds, platzels and beigels, seeded spelt-flour crackers.

This Shabbat I made it to shul on Friday evening, and we actually had two couples as guests for dinner. The attraction of a winter Shabbat Friday night is that you can chat for a while before dinner, eat a very leisurely meal, shmooze for hours afterwards, and then discover, when your guests leave, that it’s still only 9:30. I felt very congested through Friday night, and slept on some four-and-a-half hours later than usual on Shabbat morning. It’s fair to say that Bernice and I both spent Shabbat recharging our batteries. Today, not wanting to risk infecting Raphael, who has his own catalogue of childhood ailments without my help, thank you very much, I have stayed at home, leaving Bernice to spend the day in Zichron and explain to a devastated Raphael why Grandpa is not there. At least, we anticipated he might be devastated. Since it is now three hours after Bernice collected him from gan and he still hasn’t asked to video call me, I’m guessing maybe he’s putting on a brave face.

In Bernice’s absence, I spent the morning adding to our digital photoframe all of the pictures from the last 14 months, having been talking for the last few weeks about how under-represented Ollie is on the display, and how he is sure to be really upset by that. With any luck, he won’t read this post, and will never know how last-minute the redressing of the balance was.

And so, without even a feeble attempt at any kind of segue, to today’s trivia question. Who wrote the classic horror story The Monkey’s Paw? If you answered ‘Edgar Allan Poe’, you can give yourself a bonus point…but only because you fell into my trap and gave the wrong answer. The correct answer is ‘W W Jacobs’. (If it’s not Poe, it’s always Jacobs.) The real question is: Why do so many of us mistakenly attribute it to Poe? I know that I did, and at least two friends who I regard as men with impeccable educational and cultural credentials did as well, so what is going on here?

I spent a little time sniffing around online and discovered the following. First, Barnes & Noble, who, one would have hoped, know something about literature, have an excellent page advertising for sale an eBook of a radio script of the story, in which the text is headed ‘The Monkey’s Paw, by Edgar Allan Poe, Dennis Rhodus (created by)’ which doesn’t seem to me to be very coherent, but actually means that Rhodus ‘created’ the radio script. This text stands opposite a facsimile of the book cover, which proudly proclaims: ‘The Monkey’s Paw by W W Jacobs’.

Next, Amazon offers a Modern Library edition of an anthology entitled: ‘The Raven and The Monkey’s Paw: Classics of Horror and Suspense.’ The first author listed is Poe, which might lead to confusion.

It is ironic that this story, which is far and away Jacobs’ best-known work, should be misattributed by, I suspect, so many, to Poe, whose prolific work is so well-known that he would scarcely notice one story more or less. It hardly seems fair.

Jacobs’ other claim to fame is that he was a jury member in the mock trial of John Jasper for the murder of Edwin Drood, the character in Dickens’ last and unfinished novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood. This was something of a celebrity mock trial, organized by the Dickens Fellowship and held in the Covent Garden Assize Court in London in 1914, with G K Chesterton presiding as the judge, and George Bernard Shaw acting as foreman of the jury. As I was tumbling down the Google rabbit-hole of this story, I noticed, incidentally, that the charge sheet states: “John Jasper, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder one EDWIN DROOD on the 24th day of December in the year…one thousand eight hundred and sixty.”

I cannot help observing that I am writing these words exactly 163 years after this murder took place, to the very day! I find that coincidence no less remarkable for the fact that the murder didn’t actually take place, since the victim, and, indeed, the defendant, are both fictitious characters, and, as if that were not enough, the ‘facts’ of the murder are not even stated in the fiction in which they appear, so that the murder is only speculatively fictional. It may not even not have really happened.

Forgive me for these ramblings. I shall put them down to nasal and bronchial congestion and stop here to make another of my excellent hot toddies. Come to think of it, these ramblings may have something to do with the toddies. Perhaps this time I’ll step up the lemon juice and honey and ease off on the brandy….and perhaps not.

Promised update: As you can see below, Raphael stoically accepted my absence yesterday. (I can’t reasonably expect to be able to compete with a banana.) Tao and Ollie arrived with their parents, on time, and were sufficiently recovered by lunchtime today (Monday) to test drive the trike and the bimba.

Means and Ends

Day 73: Monday

Last week, I started by noting:

Tuesday 8:40AM: What’s missing from this week’s post is a reaction to Netanyahu’s statement last night in a Foreign and Security Committee debate that “the Oslo Accord [sic]  is a disaster that resulted in the same number of victims as October 7”. I would like to respond to that now, but I didn’t hear of it until half an hour ago, and there isn’t time before the deadline, so I will just have to let it simmer on a low light for another week., and pray that nothing even more egregious and outrageous emerges before then.

So, let’s start by getting that out of the way.

I’ve just googled ‘What is the difference between a statesman and a politician?’ The first twenty hits all contained the same message, best summed up by the aphorism: ‘A politician thinks about the next election, while a statesman thinks about the next generation.’ Looking back at politicians and statesmen of the past, I’m tempted to suggest another difference, which possibly covers different scenarios from the first. ‘A statesman acts morally, while a politician acts expediently.’

Either way, two things seem clear to me in the cloudy world that is political reality.. First., a general observation: If we illustrated this on a Venn diagram, there wouldn’t be a lot of overlap between statesmen and politicians, not in Israel, anyway!

Second, a specific observation. The days of Netanyahu even appearing to be a statesman are, regrettably, in the past. In the last week or two, he has demonstrated on at least three occasions that he is motivated in his public statements principally by the need to ensure his personal political future. He strives to do this both in the short term. by nurturing the right wing of his coalition, and in the longer term, by appealing to those sectors of the voting public that are to his political right.

First we had his appalling playing of a macabre numbers game, as quoted at the head of this post. It is a fact that between the signing of the Oslo Accords in September 1993 and October 6 2023, at least 1,334 Israel civilians were murdered in Palestinian terror attacks. It seems, at the time of writing, that the October 7 death toll was at least 1200 Israelis. (That we cannot be confident of a final figure after Israel has undertaken 10 weeks of the most intense, painstaking and painful forensic investigation is, itself, an eloquent comment on the scale of horror of the atrocities.)

The pogrom of October 7 resulted from a series of intelligence failures and operational misjudgements, and claimed 1200 lives in less than two days. Attributing responsibility for the failure of the Oslo Accords is a more nuanced subject. However, let us assume, for the sake of argument, that it was, similarly, a set of Israeli intelligence failures and operational misjudgements that led to the loss of life since the signing. Let us go even further, and assume that all of the murders of Israelis by terrorists between September 1993 and October 6 this year are attributable to the signing of the Oslo accords. Even assuming all this, to make a bald statement about numerical equivalence, while ignoring the difference between 2 days and 11,000 days, is ridiculous.

Netanyahu followed this up with an astonishing response to a question in a press conference on December 2, when asked about the horrible shooting in error of Yuval Castleman, who was killed at the scene of the terror shooting at a Jerusalem bus stop, when Staff Sgt. (res.) Aviad Frija, one of two off-duty troops who responded to the attack, shot at the two terrorists. He also opened fire at Castleman, an armed civilian who had stopped his car across the street and himself shot at the terrorists. Footage from the scene showed that Frija shot Castleman after the latter had put his gun down and was holding his hands in the air.

Asked about this, Netanyahu acknowledged that more guns in the hands of the public can produce more such tragic incidents. But more civilians with guns can save the day in times like this, he said, defending his government’s policy on encouraging more eligible Israelis to carry weapons. He then continued: “Therefore, I think that in the current situation we need to continue with this policy — I definitely support it. We may pay a price, but such is life [my emphasis].” For as experienced a politician as Netanyahu to fail to weigh his words so egregiously seems inconceivable. Either he regarded the whole matter as not worthy of his attention, or he was speaking specifically to Ben-Gvir’s constituency, knowing how central a plank of Ben-Gvir’s policy arming civilians is.

Finally, in the last couple of days, Netanyahu has been reiterating his rejection of the two-state solution and of the Palestinian Authority playing a role in Gaza after the war. While taking this position, which undoubtedly represents the Israeli mainstream at the moment, Netanyahu claims that he prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state and takes credit for “putting the brakes” on the Oslo peace process. In what has become his signature style, Netanyahu refuses to address the contradictions in his actions over the years. In 2005, he originally voted in favour of disengagement from Gaza. In his Bar-Ilan speech of 2009, he stated that he was willing to accept the two-state solution. In 2011, he triumphantly welcomed Gilad Schalit home, while releasing Yahya Sinwar and another 1,026 security prisoners.

Politicians are certainly allowed to change their mind. Situations may change. Politicians may reassess and reevaluate. Netanyahu, however, pretends that he has always been right and never changed his mind. I have long believed that this reflected his desire not to undermine his followers’ belief in his infallibility. I am now feeling that he has bought into his own rhetoric and believes himself infallible.

Let me finally offer another definition of the difference between a statesman and a politician. A statesman is elected in order to do what needs to be done. A politician does what needs to be done in order to be elected. For Netanyahu, re-election has changed from being the means to being the end. The fear is that if he succeeds, it may well be so.

Tis the season for grandsons to catch anything that’s going, apparently. Ollie seems his usual cheerful self, despite being under the weather; Raphael is enjoying being out in the weather; but poor Tao has been feeling proper poorly, as we say in South Wales. May they all, and you all, and we all, have a better week this week!

What the Papers Say…and What They Don’t

Day 66, Monday.

This week’s post is aimed more at my friends and family in Chutz La’aretz than at my Israeli readers, who will be very familiar with most of what I have to say.

Tuesday 8:40AM: What’s missing from this week’s post is a reaction to Netanyahu’s statement last night in a Foreign and Security Committee debate that “the Oslo Accord [sic] is a disaster that resulted in the same number of victims as October 7″. I would like to respond to that now, but I didn’t hear of it until half an hour ago, and there isn’t time before the deadline, so I will just have to let it simmer on a low light for another week., and pray that nothing even more egregious and outrageous emerges before then.

Day 66 and counting

Those who have not lived their lives in Israel cannot really understand what that statistic sounds like to Israelis. The Suez Crisis in 1956 lasted ten days. The war in 1967 lasted six days. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 lasted 20 days. Combat during the First Lebanon War in 1982 lasted 20 days. The second Lebanon War in 2006 lasted 34 days. Operation Cast Lead in 2009 lasted 26 days. Operation Protective Edge in 2014 lasted, sporadically, for 50 days.

In other words, Israelis expect a war to be over in about a month. In addition, since Israel’s wars are fought just beyond the state’s formal borders, Israelis expect that their soldier children and spouses will be home for a 24-hour leave every week or two.

None of this has been the case in the current war. Many of those who have been fighting in Gaza presented themselves for service on 7 or 8 October and did not get home again until the ‘pause’ on 24 November – and some not even then. On radio stations, when field officers are being interviewed, parents phone in to ask the interviewers to question the officers as to when their children will be getting leave.

I well remember what happened during my own military service (three-and-a-half weeks of basic training in 1990, since you ask – and 15 years of annual reserve duty after that). The entire intake I served with were immigrants in our thirties or forties. When some were begging the officers to allow them home for Shabbat, one of the Russians I befriended, a veteran of the Soviet–Afghan war, recalled how, immediately following his 18th birthday, he had been taken 4000 kilometres away from home to the mountains of Northern Afghanistan, where he spent the next three-and-a-half years, having no contact with his family.

As with so much in life, our ability to accept circumstances depends as much on our expectations as on objective realities. The anxieties of parents and spouses are no less intense for being different in scale from those of my Russian comrade-in-arms’ family. And, as every day of those 66 days brings another list of “Approved for publication…” announcements of the names of one, or two, or three, or more, soldiers who fell in the previous day’s fighting, or who succumbed to injuries they suffered earlier, so the days weigh ever more heavily.

Everyone is Someone’s Child

One of the soldiers who fell last week was the brother of a close friend of our niece. Just before Shabbat, we learnt of the son of a close friend whose tank suffered a direct hit; he, thankfully, suffered what are described in these circumstances as very light injuries, but his fellow tank-crew members were not so fortunate. Then, as I was in the middle of writing these paragraphs, a death notice came up on our shul WhatsApp group: the son of a family who used to daven in our shul.

I have, in recent weeks, been davening in the mornings in the shul they moved to, and often pause for a few moments’ conversation with the now bereaved father. We are far from being close friends – we are more acquaintances than friends – but when you have joked and prayed with a family, and when you remember their son as a young boy, even if only vaguely, life is suddenly breathed into the bald statement of a death…and then, of course, you remember, that, for every such death, there are circles of immediate family, less close family, friends, and acquaintances, who all feel the death because they all knew the life.

Instructions to Parents

I offer you a pair of bookends: two sons communicating to their parents what is important to them. I offer this without comment.

The first, which you may well have heard at the time, is a phone conversation between one of the Hamas terrorists and his parents, while he was committing atrocities on October 7. You can hear the recording here.

The second was a ‘will’ left by Reservist Sergeant Major Ben Zussman, who fell a week ago, which he passed on to a friend, to be delivered to his parents in the event of… Here is the complete text:

“I am writing this message to you on the way to the base. If you are reading this, something must have happened to me. As you know me, probably no one is happier than me right now. It was not for nothing that I was on the verge of fulfilling my dream soon. I am happy and grateful for the privilege I will have to defend our beautiful land and the people of Israel.

Even if something happens to me, I don’t allow you to sink into sadness. I had the privilege of fulfilling my dream and vocation and you can be sure that I am looking down on you and smiling hugely. I will probably be sitting next to grandpa and we will catching up; each of us will talk about his experiences and the way things were different in the different wars. Maybe we’ll also talk a little politics, ask him what he thinks.

If God forbid you’re sitting shiva, make it a week of friends, family and fun. Let there be food, meat of course, beers, soft drinks, seeds, tea and, of course, of course, mum’s biscuits. Crack jokes, listen to stories, meet all my other friends you haven’t seen yet. Wow! I envy you. I would like to sit there and see them all.

Another very, very important point. If, God forbid, I fall into captivity, alive or dead. I am not ready for one soldier or citizen to be harmed because of some deal for my release. I don’t allow you to conduct a campaign or struggle or anything like that. I’m not prepared for terrorists to be released for me. in no way, shape or deal. Don’t go against my word, please.

I’ll say it again, I left the house without even being called to the reserves. I am full of pride and a sense of mission and I have always said that if I have to die, may it be in defence of others and the country. “Jerusalem, I have placed guards,” May it be that the day will come when I will be one of them.” [Ed Note: This is a reference to Isaiah 62 v 6. Ben follows here the interpretation that the guards are angels watching over Jerusalem until such time as the Temple is rebuilt.]

The heart-wrenching decisions

One of the conditions of the ‘pause’ was that Israel would suspend its aerial observation of Gaza. Agreeing to that condition contributed to the safe release of the children and women that were released.

Agreeing to that condition also enabled Hamas to make preparations for when the fighting would be renewed. Today the deaths were announced of seven soldiers, including five who were killed in the explosion from a device concealed near a school, and probably detonated remotely on a signal received by a concealed spotter watching from a nearby building. It seems likely that this device was placed during the observation blackout imposed throughout the ‘pause’.

Nobody could envy the Israeli authorities the decision-making this inhuman enemy confronts them with.

Conflicting Voices

A large number of the families of the abductees have, since October 6, been working together to ensure that their voice is heard. Their message has been that the safe return of all the abductees must be the authorities’ first priority, and that they must do all they can to bring it about. They are also demanding that the Government bring them home now.

It is, of course, impossible to criticise these families. What they are suffering is unimaginable, and their fears for the well-being of the abductees are completely realistic. They are reacting in ways that are totally understandable. It is, indeed, hard to imagine any parent, or child, or spouse, or sibling, reacting differently.

And yet… I fail to see what response they want to their demand that the Government bring back the abductees. What, in practical terms, do the families want the Government to do that it is not doing?

It seemed for a long time that this message was one that all the families wished to convey. However, it has become increasingly clear that there are at least some families who feel differently, and who felt until recently that their voice was not being heard sufficiently. We are now hearing more from families who accept the Government’s statement that the safety of the abductees is top priority at face value, and who are expressing their trust in the authorities to make the right decisions to maximise the chance of achieving the outcome we all want.

It occurs to me that the more the families confront the authorities, and the more they demonstrate against what they perceive as the Government’s inaction, the more they strengthen Hamas’ resolve not to release abductees. This is a cruel thing to say, but it seems to me that, if the families were publicly expressing faith in the authorities, this would lead Hamas to question whether releasing more abductees might be a tactically more sound move.

And this is the point at which I begin to suspect that I am overthinking everything, and, not for the first time, I come up against the realization that bargaining with the devil is not easy, and may not even be possible.

In a simpler, and more innocent, universe, our grandsons are at peace: both the one we will be seeing, God willing, tomorrow, and the ones we will be seeing. God willing, in just under two weeks (!)

Just Pitzelling Around

The more observant among you will notice that I have not started this week with a reminder that today (Monday) is Day 59. (Of course, cunningly, I have now, which we call having your cake and eating it.)

On a related note, Bernice didn’t need me to point out that I did not, today, as soon as I was free, go upstairs to write my blog, as I usually do on a Monday, but, rather, I was doing what I have always known as pitzelling around downstairs: reading the paper, shelling peanuts, making a cup of tea, alphabetising the CDs. When I eventually faced up to it, I explained to her that I had decided in advance that I was not going to write about ‘the situation’ this week. However, between my making that decision last Thursday, and today, there have been so many developments that it seemed in some way perverse to talk about anything else. So, I really could not make up my mind how to proceed.

What I decided to do eventually was to outsource this week’s heavy lifting. I recommend to you a lengthy and dispassionate essay by a blogger called Richard Hanania. (Many thanks to my good friend and fellow-blogger Ron for drawing my attention to the article.) I find it very difficult to disagree with Hanania. Even if you find yourself reluctant to accept his conclusions, he will, I think, challenge you to marshal your counter-arguments. And again, even if you do disagree with him, you will, I hope, agree with me that he sets a standard for reasoned and calm discussion that we would all do well to emulate.

This outsourcing leaves me now free to write about anything, to act just as if life goes on, which, of course, it does; indeed, it must. Bernice and I have heard the good news of births and engagements in the last few weeks. We are due to be joining wedding celebrations in the next few weeks. Micha’el and family should be arriving in three weeks’ time for three weeks. We have to keep believing and recognising that much as what has happened here sometimes looks and feels like the end of the world, it is not.


So, let’s start by dealing with ‘pitzelling’ from two paragraphs ago. While I had no idea how to spell it, I vividly remembered it, from my childhood, as meaning: ‘to fail to get down to doing something properly’. I always assumed it was Yiddish.

However, on researching today, I can discover it only as a German word for ‘penis’, and not as a Yiddish word at all. This led me to doubt my memory. However, both Bernice and my brother Martin remember it in similar contexts from childhood, so I am reassured that I have not made it up. Why, then, is it not mentioned online? This may, of course, simply be because all self-respecting Yiddish dictionaries and word-lists, having identified the first twenty or thirty Yiddish words for ‘penis’, lost interest. I must also say that the path from ‘penis’ to ‘being slapdash or wasting time’ seems a little tortuous.

If any of my readers can shed light on the etymology of ‘pitzel’, I will be very grateful.


I was put in mind this week of a piece of graffiti that I saw on the wall of a cowshed on kibbutz 50 years ago. (I was tempted to write: ‘I was put in mind of a graffito’, so that I could be accused of pedantry, but even I feel that ‘graffito’ is best avoided, in the same way as I would never write: ‘I try to eat spaghetti with a twirling fork, but there’s always one spaghetto that refuses to twirl.’)

Anyway, as I say, I was reminded of a piece of graffiti this week. I have been harvesting produce one day in each of the last couple of weeks, as part of a group of volunteers going to help Israel’s farmers who are suddenly without foreign workers. Last Thursday I spent five and a half hours on my knees picking tomatoes. Interestingly, the next day my knees were fine, but my gluteus maximus muscles ached like anything. In other words, I not only was, as usual, a pain in the arse, but I also had one– or, more accurately, two – one in each buttock. It was at this point that I recalled the piece of graffiti from an earlier period when I worked on kibbutz. This requires a little background.

Among the strands of Zionism that co-existed as a rich tapestry in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was one championed by Aharon David Gordon, who argued that the national redemption of the Jewish people could be brought about only by fostering, through physical labour, the organic relationship of the People with the Land. His philosophy, and his personal example, inspired the entire Labour Zionist movement. Physical labour, working the land, became a cornerstone of the Zionist dream become reality.

His philosophy also inspired a later volunteer on kibbutz to paint on the cowshed wall the dedication: “A. D. GORDON DIED HERE”. I now find myself able to point to, but not to view directly, exactly where A. D. Gordon died for me personally.

Marketing Patriotism

In the immediate aftermath of October 7, the major radio network stopped broadcasting commercial advertising. This seemed a very natural decision. The brash blaring of adverts would have seemed very jarring. At some point in the last couple of weeks, however, the decision was made to resume advertising, and it has been interesting to observe how advertisers have….How to complete that sentence? I am torn between:
…how advertisers have demonstrated their patriotism…
…how advertisers have cynically exploited the country’s existential crisis…

I think maybe I will sit on the fence.

It has been interesting to observe how advertisers have adapted to the new reality, and incorporated it into their message. So, for example, we have the advertisement for the energy food supplement in which a senior citizen explains that “In these difficult times, it is particularly important for me to keep my strength up, and so…”. We have many banks offering, to businesses affected by the war, loans that are interest-free for an initial period or that have an extended period before repayments begin. We have many products that have introduced patriotic packaging, like these tissues, proclaiming that “Together we shall win”.

I am sitting on the fence because I genuinely cannot decide whether I find this cynical or moving. All I can say is that when, a week or so ago, there was only one radio advert that did not reference, directly or indirectly, our existential crisis, I found it offensive and insensitive. This was an advertisement from a major retail chain selling domestic electrical appliances, which relentlessly advertised its November sale as if we were not in the middle of a war.

I was, subsequently, made to feel very bad, when I read that this chain, in partnership with another major chain, had installed washing machines and dryers in the public areas of shopping malls throughout the country, for the use, free-of-charge, of soldiers.

Like Light at the Hem of the Cloud

That heading is a quote from a poem by Leah Goldberg: a poem which looks forward, longingly, to a future time of “forgiveness and grace”. It seems to me an important image for these times. Here is a translation of the poem that doesn’t really do it justice:

Will there yet come days of forgiveness and grace,
When you walk in the field as the innocent wayfarer walks,
And the bare, bare soles of your feet will caress the clover leaves
Or trample the oat stubble and sweeten its prickling?

Or rain will overtake you, its thronging drops tapping
On your shoulder, your chest, your throat, your head, refreshing.
And you will walk in the wet field, the quiet in you expanding
Like light at the hem of the cloud?

And you will breathe in the odour of the furrow, breathing and quiet,
And you will see the sun mirrored in the gold puddle,
And simple will these things be, will life be, and touching will be allowed there,
And loving will be allowed, will be allowed.

You will walk in the field, alone, unscorched by the flame
Of conflagrations on roads that bristled with horror and blood.
You will once again be peaceful in heart, humble and bending
Like one of the grasses, like one of humanity.

I was led to this poem by a programme of meetings held under the auspices of, and in the breathtaking new building of, the National Library (which I am in danger of boring you with, I suspect). Each meeting is a conversation between Yuval Avivi, who presents a book programme on television, and a particular author, who is invited to present readings from their own and others’ work to offer some comfort, in these troubled times. The programme is called ‘Like Light at the Hem of the Cloud’, and I was curious about the origin of the phrase.

In one of the meetings, Eshkol Nevo read an extract from his novel ‘A Man Walks into an Orchard’. This is not a book that I know. Nevo is not even an author that I have read. However, I find the short extract he chose, even without a context, to be very haunting and very empowering. Unfortunately, I cannot find a translation, and I haven’t the talent to attempt a translation myself that would come anywhere near doing justice to this passage. So, with apologies, I offer this as a bonus for my Hebrew readers only. The rest of you can jump straight to the photographs below.”אם לשנות אז את העולם. אם לחטוא אז בלי רגשות אשם. אם גל אז ירוק. אם לנסוע אז רחוק. אם נעליים אז קלות. אם לחצות אז גבולות. אם לעשות אז שלום. אם שלום אז עכשיו. אם נותרנו, נאהב. אם נותרנו, נאהב. אם יש זמן הוא הולך ואוזל. אם לרקוד אז להשתולל. אם עבר אז לשכוח. אם אסיר אז לברוח. אם גדר אז חיה. אם להקים אז שערורייה. אם גבר אז אישה. אם אישה אז בבקשה. אם לחשוב אז לעשות. אם לעשות אז לטעות. אם לטעות אז עכשיו. אם נותרנו נאהב. אם נותרנו נאהב. אם נותרנו, נאהב

אם לשנות אז את העולם. אם לחטוא אז בלי רגשות אשם. אם גל אז ירוק. אם לנסוע אז רחוק. אם נעליים אז קלות. אם לחצות אז גבולות. אם לעשות אז שלום. אם שלום אז עכשיו. אם נותרנו, נאהב. אם נותרנו, נאהב. אם יש זמן הוא הולך ואוזל. אם לרקוד אז להשתולל. אם עבר אז לשכוח. אם אסיר אז לברוח. אם גדר אז חיה. אם להקים אז שערורייה. אם גבר אז אישה. אם אישה אז בבקשה. אם לחשוב אז לעשות. אם לעשות אז לטעות. אם לטעות אז עכשיו. אם נותרנו נאהב. אם נותרנו נאהב. אם נותרנו, נאהב


In keeping with this week’s theme, let’s end with a couple of images of family life in all its glorious going-on-ness. There’s something to celebrate in just pitzelling around.

Orthodoxy is Unconsciousness

Day 52: Monday

Today, let’s take a deep dive. Of necessity, a deep dive insulates you from all of the noise above the surface of the water. This means that I’m not going to wrestle with what will probably, in the next day or two, become Israel’s next unanswerable question: if and when we proceed on the understanding that Hamas will release ten abductees in return for a further day’s pause, and Hamas offers, instead, only nine or eight hostages, will we accept this, or will we tell Hamas to keep the hostages, and resume hostilities?

Similarly, I’m not going to discuss Hamas’s psychological torture of the Israeli public over the exchange of hostages for terror prisoners.

I’m not even going to discuss Kay Burley’s breathtaking assertion during her Sky News interview of Israeli Government spokesman Eylon Levy. (In this particular case, I’m not discussing it because words fail me – thankfully, they did not fail Eylon Levy, although, in his case, his eyebrows were even more eloquent than his mouth.)

Instead, I want to look at a phenomenon that only became prominent following the advent of mass media, and was, indeed, enabled by mass media: fake news. The world’s first big international fake news story revolved around what became known as The Rape of Belgium: the German invasion of Belgium in autumn 1914. This is a story in instalments, and it has relevance to what is happening today.

Between August and October 1914 German troops invaded and occupied Belgium. Rumours quickly spread of brutal acts of violence against civilians, including mass rape and mutilation of Belgian and French women. As a result, Belgium, France and Great Britain set up a committee of inquiry to document the German war crimes in accordance with the Hague Convention of 1907. The committee confirmed the reports of massive sexual assaults on the female civilian population by German soldiers.

The Allies considered the rapes to be a central component of the atrocities committed by the German troops, rendering the German enemy inhuman and impossible to negotiate a ceasefire with. These reports were used to justify the war and the continued killing so as to prevent further such acts and avenge the violence. The defence of family and sexual values became an essential element of Allied motivation. Apart from the mobilisation of the British and French people, the instrumentalisation for propaganda purposes of the German atrocities also served to influence neutral countries, particularly Italy and the United States.

Tabloid newspapers, popular literature, postcards and cartoons disseminated the image of German barbarians and their Belgian and French victims. Not just individuals but the entire German people were accused of the atrocities. Germany became the ultimate evil power capable of committing the most atrocious deeds. The German war atrocities and their exploitation for propaganda purposes contributed significantly to the image of Germany as an enemy and to the moral legitimation for the war by the Allies.

Many of the more sensational stories of German “outrages” are very hard to believe, much less corroborate.  German soldiers eating Belgian babies; German soldiers hanging Belgian nuns between church bells and ringing them to death; German soldiers crucifying dozens of farmers by the roadside; and so on — these are stories that after the war became standard examples of why “propaganda” is not to be trusted, with the result that all stories of German atrocities were largely discredited. It is possible that this distrust led to the English-speaking peoples’ failure to react swiftly to the events of the years leading up to 1939.

In recent decades, historical research has indicated that, in fact, large-scale German atrocities were indeed committed against the Belgians. It turns out that it is not the atrocities that were fake news, but the discrediting of the atrocities.

Fast forward 109 years, and we see that fake news is alive and well, and flourishing in the modern world of social media and online video. Indeed, as media become more sophisticated, so does the range of tools and techniques available to propagators of fake news.

In a world where fake news passes for reliable information, how do we separate lies from the truth? Enter Fake Reporter, an Israeli online watchdog group that uses a combination of professional intelligence experts and an online crowd-sourced research platform to lead efforts against disinformation, Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour (CIB), hate speech, and online incitement.

In 2021, they logged over 9,000 reports, and this number has risen every year since.

The organisation was formed to protect and support Israel’s civil society and pro-democracy forces against targeted attacks, as well as expose the mechanisms and actors behind the distribution and weaponisation of malicious content online. Since October 7, Fake Reporter has been working around the clock to identify, expose, debunk and, where possible, take down, fake news around the events in Israel and Gaza.

For those of you who are Hebrew speakers, this 9-minute TV report on Fake Reporters’ activities in the last weeks gives a sense of the scale of the challenge. Six minutes in (at 2:34:36), it gives an example, in English, of AI-generated video that seems to me undetectable to the naked eye as fake.

If you want to learn more about the organisation’s work, this 25-minute presentation in English, made in 2022, gives an excellent overview of the spread of fake news and how it can be combatted. (Trigger warning: the organisation was founded at the height of the judicial reform demonstrations way back when, and is funded by the New Israel Fund. If the combination of those two facts tempts you to dismiss the organisation out of hand, I would recommend you read the rest of this post.)

If you encounter anything which you suspect is fake news or a fake profile, or which is an inciting post, you can use the following link to report it (in English or Hebrew) to Fake Reporter, who will then research it in depth.

What you should not do is respond to the incitement or the fake news online, since social media algorithms are built to promote any item that generates interest. By responding to the item, you will actually be promoting it.

Which begs the question: how do I spot fake news? The International Federation of Library Associations…. Remember libraries? They used to be large, imposing buildings where people went to google, back in the day. But I digress. The International Federation of Library Associations, as I was saying, has produced the following useful tips.

Let me now try to explain what led me to believe that I should turn my back on all of the headline issues this week, and focus my intention instead on what may seem like a comparatively academic topic.

In the last months, and especially since October 7, I have been puzzled, and sometimes dumbstruck, by the behaviour of much of Western intelligentsia. That a university professor felt exhilarated by the news and scenes of the atrocities of October 7 is astonishing; but it is not, arguably, unimaginable. All you have to do is imagine that degree and intensity of antisemitism. However, that functioning human beings should deny that the Hamas genocide of October 7 even happened seems at an entirely greater level of unimaginability. “But,” we say, open-mouthed, “they filmed their own video of it, and boasted of it in phone calls to their parents.”

In refusing to believe that evidence, I think that these people are saying that they refuse to believe any evidence. This may be a more extreme version of the allies’ inability to believe the evidence of the 1930s. As a consequence of the widening spread of fake news, and of the increasing difficulty of detecting it as fake, people are increasingly refusing to accept any news as true. Unable to judge what is true anymore, they give up the attempt, and reject all ‘objective’ evidence presented to them. What they are then left with is their belief system, their ideology.

What we are witnessing is, I fear, the beginning of what George Orwell documented with terrifying accuracy 75 years ago, in 1984. In Orwell’s words, these people are prepared to believe that “every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

There is no such thing as historical context, so any past action (such as slave ownership, or even manufacture that depends on purchasing raw materials that were made available using slave labour) must be judged solely by current sensibilities. There is no such thing as extenuating circumstances. There is only the one truth from which all moral judgement derives.

This renders the world binary. Everyone is either an oppressor, and evil, or oppressed, and good. No amount of rational thought will change that binary division, and, therefore, there is no practical benefit in rational thought. To quote Orwell again:

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?… Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?… The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking – not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”

Clearly, Israel faces very real and tangible challenges: completing the return of all the hostages; destroying Hamas in the north and then the south of the Gaza Strip; finding a way of preventing the resurgence of Hamas or a similar terror army in the future. Equally clearly, if Israel does not meet these challenges successfully, there will be serious consequences not just for Israel and the Middle East, but for civilisation as a whole.

At the same time, the rise of fake news and the tightening chokehold of binary inter-sectionalism on the Western world may represent a no less serious threat to civilisation. 2050 is less than 27 years away, and Orwell’s prediction is looking more and more accurate every year.

The Little Pictures and the Big Picture

Day 45: Sunday

I want this week to zoom in on a couple of small details, and also to zoom out to some much more general comments.

“…like a real hero”

Every day, on the morning’s news bulletin, the dreaded words: ‘Approved for publication…’, which always precede the announcement of the name of another one or two or, God forbid, more soldiers that have fallen in the last day.

Every day, in the morning interview programme, at least one item where the presenters speak to a family member who shares details of the fallen soldier.

Every day, details that are both common to so many families and unique to this one grieving family.

From one such interview with a bereaved sister last week: “He was so considerate. When we would go to the beach, and the sand was burning hot to walk on, he would carry his two sisters, one on each arm, like a real hero.”

We yearn for the days when the proof of a big brother’s heroism will only need to be his readiness to carry his sisters across the beach, and not also his readiness to lay down his life defending theirs.

Better than Home!

One reservist we know returned last week to his unit on the Gaza border after a brief home leave, to discover two lorries paying a visit to the unit. One was an initiative we had seen featured earlier on television: an enterprising citizen has fitted a lorry trailer with a row of washing machines and a generator, and is touring army bases offering laundry service (including doing the ironing himself).

However, the other seemed even more surreal. This was a lorry trailer fitted with a generator that heats and aerates a jacuzzi for the reservists to relax in!

Yes, Ma’am!

Let’s play a game. If I say: ‘Israeli army reservist major’, what image comes into your head?

I’m guessing something like the following, an American-Israeli reservist major who watched the events of Black Shabbat unfold, on TV, from his Chicago home, and by Sunday evening was with his unit on the Gaza border.

Well, here’s another Israeli army reservist major, brought to my attention by a good friend:

As I think I mentioned last week, after individual acts of heroism by women in Otef Aza on October 7, and with mixed infantry units now on the ground in Gaza, the question of women combat soldiers will, from now on, no longer be a debating point in Israel. I don’t actually know what unit of the army this major is attached to; if she is a combat officer (which I doubt), then I suspect she trimmed her fingernails and was advised to “Get yer ‘air cut!” before actually going into Gaza. If you want to know what made her as animated as she is in the photo above, listen to what she has to say to the world.

“They did not distinguish between Jews and non-Jews”

It is a truism of the interpretation of Jewish law by rabbinical authorities that it is important to be aware of, and to take account of, the specific circumstances of every case. It is also true that Jewish law, as a general rule, allows for leniency or stringency of interpretation, in light of those specific circumstances.

One of the great failures in Israel’s development in the last decades has been the surrender of religious authority to the ultra-orthodox, who do not always subscribe to this view of religious law. This rigidity is reflected in Israeli state practice regarding such central issues as marriage, kashrut certification, and conversion.

I don’t want to get into the larger debate here, but just to bring one painful instance of the religious authorities showing a level of tone-deafness that, given where the country is at the moment, is almost inconceivable and seems to me totally unforgivable.

21 years ago, Olga Falahati came to Israel from Russia. Her daughter, Alina, grew up in Israel, served in the army, and, during her army service, began the process of conversion to Judaism. Before she could complete the process, while she was enjoying the Nova party on October 7, she was brutally murdered, by Hamas. Her burnt body was identified only last week, and, on the eve of her burial in the family’s hometown of Bet Shean, the rabbinate informed the family that Alina would be buried just outside the Jewish cemetery wall, since she was not Jewish.

The story became public after the funeral, when the matter was raised at a meeting of the Knesset’s Aliyah, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs Committee by the committee chair MK Oded Forer, who stated that he was “ashamed on behalf of the State of Israel that [the family] were treated this way.”. Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss, who sits on the rabbinate’s committee for honoring the dead, said he would propose a special representative to find solutions to problems like these, “so that there will not be a great trouble like this.” He added that “they did not distinguish between Jews and non-Jews in the brutal attack. We can do everything in line with Jewish law.”

Eventually, the fence separating Alina from the cemetery was removed, leaving only a low fence similar to many other internal fences in the cemetery. In a functioning country, this is what would have been done, discreetly, on the evening before the funeral, with no attention being drawn to the internal discussion that would have preceded the adoption of this halachically acceptable solution.

The People of the Book, Part 1

The National Library of Israel moved into its new, spectacular, building just a couple of weeks after October 7. I had planned to devote an entire blog post to this breathtaking edifice (which we were privileged to enjoy a private tour of, a couple of months ago, courtesy of another good friend, who just happens to be the civil engineer attached to the project). I still hope to do so, and, meanwhile, I urge any of you who are in or around Jerusalem to take advantage of the free 90-minute guided tour.

I mention the library here because of an extraordinary display they have created.

This view down into the main library reading hall gives you a sense of the sweep of the architecture. You will also notice the seats arranged in an arc of three rows, including adult seats and little children’s chairs. On each seat has been placed a picture of one of the 237 abductees, together with a book selected by the library, from its shelves, on the basis of information gleaned from the media and the families about that particular abductee.

Thus, for example, quoting from the library’s website: “We chose the book The Kiss That Got Lost for 3-year-old Avigail Idan, who is likely missing the hugs and kisses of her parents Smadar and Roy, who did not survive the attack by Hamas.”

Each book also contains a personal library card, each one marked with a return date – NOW.

The People of the Book, Part 2

In the good old days before Amazon axed it, most Israeli Anglo bibliophiles ordered books from Book Depository, because of the range it offered, the user-friendliness of its website, its excellent customer service and (perhaps above all) its FREE DELIVERY WORLDWIDE! Since then, we have all, largely unsuccessfully, been hunting for a viable alternative. Adapting to the new reality, Bernice and I have joined a local bookswap WhatsApp group, which works very simply and quite effectively. Members post photos of books they are happy to part with. Other members fire back a message – “Finnegan’s Wake, please”, for example – and whoever is quickest on the draw gets a free book.

The other day someone posted a message on this group informing us that an army unit was currently located not far from us, and was desperately looking for books. “Isn’t it wonderful!” I thought to myself. “These guys have been fighting in Gaza for weeks and, as soon as they get the chance, the first thing they want is a good read! Shortly afterwards, someone else posted, pointing out that a closer examination of the original message revealed that they were actually looking not for sefarim (books), but for something that is (in unvowelled Hebrew) a homograph: saparim (barbers). What they were actually desperate for was a haircut!

Not the ugliest of things

As the weeks go on, the resolve within Israel to continue the war in Gaza until its ends are achieved seems as strong as ever. In the last couple of weeks, the conversation has turned more and more to questioning what the elimination of Hamas actually means, whether it is achievable, and what will happen the day after the war ends. However, certainly at the moment, and, I am confident in saying, until the abductees are returned safely, Israelis are not discussing ending the war.

At the same time, we know very well that this is not true in the rest of the world, even among some of our friends abroad. It is therefore to them that I offer the following words, written by John Stuart Mill in a magazine article published during the American Civil War, but no less relevant today than they were 160 years ago:

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.

Fault Lines

In many respects, the sense of national cohesion remains as it has been since the day our world changed. However, as the weeks go by, the chasm between the people and the government gapes ever wider.

There are some good reasons for this. One of the most prominent ones is Netanyahu’s continued refusal to take responsibility for the failures on October 7, and his insistence that all such discussions must wait until after the war. This leaves a wound that is, with time, only festering.

Another target for people’s expressions of disappointment with the authorities is that even now, over six weeks since October 7, many desperately needed mechanisms are not in place or not functioning smoothly. Here are a couple of examples. The Government has agreed to offer financial compensation to some businesses and some self-employed whose income has been drastically affected by the war. As of this morning, the website on which candidates for the compensation have to register their application was not yet up and running. It is difficult to escape the feeling that, at the same time as civilian volunteers in their thousands are working around the clock to provide support and care, civil servants in government departments are working their usual 9 to 5.

A volunteer on the radio this morning described how suitcase donations from abroad of goods requested by frontline soldiers have been held up by Israeli customs officials, because one or two individual items infringe import laws (medications, for example). The officials have not been prepared to isolate these items and release the rest of the consignment, and the independent storage company that is holding the consignments at the airport is now demanding payment for storage before releasing the consignments. The storage charges in some cases exceed the value of the consignment.

I understand that it is impossible to ride roughshod over the law of the land. However, this volunteer described how she is wasting days being referred from one office to another, and nobody in authority has seen fit to act on their own initiative, recognise the need here, and expedite this process.

The level of contempt for Netanyahu particularly is very high. A long-running gently satirical TV show has launched a new season to cover the war. The troupe who present the show began as young lions, and are now in their 70s. Their show pokes wry fun at the situation, and they also include two nostalgic, tender songs in every programme.

In fairly stark contrast to this gentle attempt to bring a smile to a traumatized nation’s lips, and to offer a moment’s balm, is the line they take when satirizing Netanyahu. This is not a gentle joshing, but an unsmiling attack on his authority. Please don’t misunderstand me. I believe that Netanyahu deserves every poisoned dart they aim at him, and more. However, I still find myself surprised that they feel their approach is what the country needs, at this particular time, at this stage of the war, given that nothing anyone says will lead Netanyahu to resign now. There is a sense in which their approach seems to me counter-productive, although I know that they would argue (and it is a reasonable line to take) that it is as patriotic as it could possibly be.

Which brings me back to the hardest, the saddest, the most painful, the most complex, of this week’s stories: the continuing story of the families of the abductees. Depressingly, this seems to be yet another area where the government’s behaviour has fallen woefully short. The government seems to have decided that it wants to avoid having anything to do with the families, while the families (or at least a sizeable number of them) have spent the last seven weeks demanding to be updated by the authorities.

Let me say first that every action taken and every word spoken by any of the abductees’ family members is completely understandable. They will naturally do all they can to ensure the safe return of their loved ones, and it would be inhuman to criticize them for the decisions they have made. I believe some of their words and actions may have been counter-productive, but I cannot fault them for what they said and did.

As I write these lines on Sunday evening, there are reports that a deal including a partial release of abductees is imminent. Rumour has it that 50 abductees – children and women – will be released at the rate of ten a day over five days. For those five days, there will be a suspension of hostilities, and an increase in humanitarian aid to Gaza, including fuel. In addition, Israel will release 100 security prisoners, including women and children,  

Let me offer a number of observations, not necessarily internally consistent, certainly not building to a coherent case for a particular line of action, but each, I believe, worthy of serious thought.

Deciding what information to share with the families will involve the government making a decision as to the reliability of statements conveyed to Israel, through the mediators, ostensibly stating Hamas’s stand. How does the government decide what to believe?

The very act of sharing any information with the families of the abductees will add an additional dimension to the government’s process of decision-making over any exchange deal. This dimension will be complex, since there will be no unanimity of response from the families, and its existence will inefficiently complicate the process. How would the government factor the families’ multiple stands into its decision-making process?

It is inconceivable that Israel would agree to the safe passage out of Gaza of the Hamas leadership. If the leadership is indeed trapped in Gaza, then there is, for Israel, only one way this ends: with the destruction of Hamas’s capabilities and the death of its leaders. In that case, what can Israel give Hamas that Hamas wants, in exchange for the release of abductees?

As weeks turn to months and the abductees are not returned, the frustration in Israel at our inability to achieve their return will only grow, hardening into resentment at the government’s inability. Already, the tension between the families and the government led today to a screaming match in the Knesset. I can only imagine the glee with which this was watched by the Hamas leadership. What can we offer Hamas that will be worth more to them than to see Israeli society once again falling into disunity?

Which is why my expectations of a return of all of the abductees is low. I pray I am wrong, but everything we have seen from Hamas in the last 15 years tells me I am not.

You will, I am sure, believe me when I say that I would far rather end on an optimistic note. However, I can only call it as I see it, and this is how I see it at this moment. I pray that, by the time you read these words, I will have been proven wrong.

The Recognisable and the Unrecognisable

Day 38 (Monday)

Since I wrote last week, I have spent too many of my waking hours reading summaries, perspectives, analyses, of the situation in Israel and around the world, especially in England. I have tried to watch fewer videos, and to listen to fewer first- and second-hand accounts, of unimaginable atrocities, and of equally unimaginable acts of bravery. For news, I have depended almost exclusively on the three daily WhatsApp bulletins I mentioned last week, and another three or four of the on-the-hour radio bulletins through the day.

A Very Israeli Story

However, some narratives I have found it impossible to ignore. One of these is the story of Shura, which I see as a microcosm of the story of Israel.

The Army Rabbinate performs many functions, one of which is the preparation for burial of the bodies of fallen soldiers. This work is carried out at their headquarters in Shura Camp in the centre of the country, which has the capacity to store 200 bodies.

The police national forensic centre at Abu Kabir, in Tel Aviv, receives civilian terrorist victims, and conducts autopsies of other civilians. It is a small and understaffed facility.

By the end of October 7, it was already clear that Abu Kabir could not handle the civilian victims and that Shura would need to scale up its capacity by six or seven times. It also soon became clear that the identification of the bodies would be, in many, many cases, far more challenging than is usually the case, both because of the degree of butchery committed and because of the intense heat of the housefires (fed by fuel) in which many victims were burnt alive.

By the end of October 8, Shura had made itself ready for this unimaginable task. 25 empty shipping containers had been brought in. Each was equipped to be able to store the remains of 48 victims. A thousand reservists were called up, including army rabbis, dentists (to identify victims from their dental records) and pathologists. Hundreds of volunteers also stepped up.

Meanwhile, the officer in charge of the operation of locating bodies in the killing fields and sending them to Shura soon realised that identifying sometimes very small fragments of bone in the ash of a burnt house was a highly specialised job. So he phoned an acquaintance who is one of Israel’s leading archaeologists and asked him if he could bring a team of volunteer senior archaeologists to Otef Aza to carry out this work. They arrived the following day and immediately began working throughout the daylight hours.

Since then, in the Shura camp, one team of police investigators have been conducting basic police work: establishing cause of death, identifying murder weapons, taking fingerprints and DNA, recording any identifying characteristics such as tattoos or items such as jewellery. Following that, the remains go to a second team of crime scene investigators, who photograph and carry out other tests. At the end of this conveyor built, the remains pass through a CT scanner.

Even with all of this activity, it has proven heartbreakingly difficult to achieve identification in all cases. The criteria for positive identification are intentionally very demanding, to minimise the danger of misidentification. In cases where victims were incinerated, temperatures were sometimes high enough to distort the teeth beyond recognition and to make it impossible to detect DNA. Despite all of the technology, the huge databank available, the expertise and dedication of the teams working, it is still a fact that, even now, over five weeks since the atrocity, every day or two the identity of another person who died on October 7 is confirmed.

You can hear Dr Qanta Ahmed, a medical professional and a world expert on genocide who spent time at Shura, addressing the Haifa Technion here.

You can view a TV report , subtitled in English, on this sacred work, here. (I’m not sure this link will work for you. If so, this is a very moving and powerful report. If not, I apologise.)

We all wish with our entire being that this whole project were unnecessary. However, the project is essential, to honour the dead and to bring the mourners closure. In its humanity, in its multi-disciplinary co-operation, in its deeply religious commitment, in its cutting-edge technology, in its improvisation and speed of execution, and in its creative answer to a completely unforeseen challenge, Shura seems to me to encapsulate much of what is best in Israel.

The Day Israel Changed

I’ve also been struck, this week, by some of the dramatic changes that we have seen since October 7. It certainly makes sense to talk about Israel before and after Hashabbat Hashchora – the Black Shabbat.

For example, consider Gershon Baskin. He is arguably the Israeli most single-mindedly dedicated to furthering coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel and peace between Israel and the Palestinians throughout the last forty years. If the name means nothing to you, read his CV here.

Two weeks ago he wrote an open letter to the Deputy Foreign Minister in the Hamas government. (How surreal these civilised titles seem in the post-10/7 world!) You can read the letter here. In the last two weeks, I have reread it several times, because I cannot actually believe that I have read it correctly.

Almost as remarkable is an article by Thomas Friedman in The New York Times. While I wouldn’t endorse every word Friedman writes, his attitude to Israel seems to me to have changed. He now seems able to separate his feelings about the Government from his feelings about Israel. You can read the article here.

As well as these changes among media personalities, there are also changes at the personal, anonymous level. The world sometimes seems to have been stood on its head.

For instance, here’s a Gazan civilian, evacuating south along the Israel-provided humanitarian corridor, telling his Al-Jazeera interviewer that “Arab traitors are conspiring against us. Arabs, and only Arabs are betraying us. The Jews are kind with us.”

On the same subject: Israeli tanks and infantry in Gaza are deployed to protect Gazan civilian evacuees from Hamas fire.

Meanwhile, in Britain, police stood by, apparently oblivious, while Palestinian protestors made people selling poppies for Remembrance Day so uncomfortable that they eventually picked up their stand and moved to a different part of the railway station. However, two police officers were ready to pose, smiling, for a selfie with a child dressed as a Hamas terrorist. I have watched British police captured on video this week and seen nothing in their behaviour that I recognise.

Back in Israel, not only ultra-orthodox men but also over 200 ultra-orthodox women have applied to the IDF to enlist and assist in the war effort. The IDF is considering establishing a dedicated conscription program for the women. At the same time, 350 ultra-orthodox volunteer groups are among the thousands who have volunteered to help farmers harvest their crops.

That’s it for this week, except for the weather report. Winter may not have arrived in Israel, but it certainly has in Portugal, although the indoor hats may be more of a fashion statement than a reflection on the season.

There is No News in Nuance

Before we get down to business this week: I just want to thank all of you who have contacted Bernice and myself to ask how our daughter-in-law, Maayan, is coping. As I mentioned previously, in the framework of her work with the organisation Elem, she was leading a team of volunteers at the Nova party in Re’im on October 7.

Last Friday evening, in a 13-minute report, Israel’s leading mainstream TV channel featured the team’s experiences on Black Shabbat. The report does not include graphic visual content, and, by the horrific standards of that terrible day, the narration is not, I feel, disturbingly harrowing. (Having typed that last sentence, I am sitting here rereading it and reflecting on how October 7 has for me, perhaps forever, redefined the disturbingly harrowing.)

I was not able to subtitle it in English, but I have prepared an English transcript of the soundtrack, because I felt that many of my non-Hebrew-speaking readers might appreciate viewing it. You can view the TV segment here. The translated transcript is available for download here.

Day 31

Yesterday, Day 30 (Sunday), marked the shloshim; for individual mourners, this represents the end of the second stage of mourning. Israel’s President Herzog asked all citizens to light a memorial light last night to mark this staging post, a further symbol of the way the country has been bonded together by the glue of Hamas’s unspeakable atrocity.

In May 2021, Arabs rioted in some mixed (Arab and Jewish) Israeli cities – Akko, Yaffo and Lod. It is reasonable to assume that Hamas hoped that their October 7 pogrom would spark similar rioting. However, so far there has been remarkably little visible tension within Israel between Arabs and Jews. The cohesion of the nation has seemed to cross ethnic and religious boundaries.

Individual Arabs have been tweeting that they now identify primarily as Israelis and secondarily as Palestinians, having realised that they would not be prepared to live in a state governed by Hamas. Among the stories that are still emerging are some that involve several Bedouin from Rahat, a predominantly Arab Bedouin city in the  Negev. In more than one case, Bedouin who drove to the Nova festival or to one of the Otef Aza kibbutzim to rescue relatives also rescued tens of other, Jewish, survivors they encountered. Hamas did not discriminate between their Jewish and Arab victims; neither did the rescuers.

That cohesion was threatened by the story of Member of Knesset (MK) Iman Khatib-Yassin (of the Arab opposition party Ra’am), who claimed, yesterday, that the Hamas terrorists raped no women and slaughtered no babies on October 7. This morning I watched her interview on the Knesset TV channel, in which she made this claim.

What she is saying in the interview is a little more nuanced than the simple, bald statement: ‘The Hamas terrorists raped no women and slaughtered no babies.’ Rather, she claims that she has been informed by MKs who viewed it that the film screened by Israel for MKs and foreign diplomats showed no rape of women or slaughter of babies. She certainly expresses her horror at what happened, and, as a religious woman, condemns it as being against the principles of Islam.

At the same time, of course, Khatib-Yassin’s attempt, at the end of the interview, to ‘understand’ the pogrom in the context of Israel’s prior treatment of Gaza is difficult to read as anything other than an attempt to justify it, despite her protestations.

Two more points need to be made about this story. First, Khatib-Yassin’s party leader, Mansour Abbas, called immediately for her to resign as an MK, stating that “there is and will be no space in our ranks for anyone who denies or minimizes the severity of the actions which negate our values and also the religion of Islam.” Second, Khatib-Yassin on the same evening issued the following statement: “I made a mistake, I am sorry and I apologize. I had no intention to minimize or deny the horrifying massacre of October 7 and the terrible acts against women, babies, or the elderly who were killed in the south.”

Had I watched the interview first, I know that the level of my outrage would have been rather less than it was having read the brief news report first. The richer the context in which we view a story, the more sensitive we are to the nuances of the story.

And now, in the interest of balance, let me present you with a specimen from the other end of Israel’s colourful political spectrum. Yesterday (Sunday), MK Amichai Eliyahu of Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party was interviewed on an ultra-orthodox radio station, Kol Barama. He was reported as saying, in answer to a question, that a nuclear bomb was “one way” to end the war in Gaza. Put like that, the answer seems little short of imbecilic, in light of the battle for the hearts and minds of the free world that Israel is attempting to fight, quite apart from the ludicrous impracticality of a nuclear bomb as a solution.

However, a look at the transcript of the interview highlights a couple of not-irrelevant points.

Interviewer: “Your expectation is that tomorrow morning we’d drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of Gaza, flattening them, eliminating everybody there…,”

Eliyahu: “That’s one way. The second way is to work out what’s important to them, what scares them, what deters them… They’re not scared of death.”

It’s worth noting, first, that the lunatic idea was raised by the interviewer and not the interviewee. In addition, the interviewer is clearly using ‘nuclear bomb’ as a metaphor (“what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb”).

Eliyahu then clearly rejects the idea and proposes instead looking for some solution that will deter them without wiping them all out.

Don’t misunderstand me. Eliyahu’s response was stupidly ill-considered. He should have said explicitly what he implied: “That’s, of course, a ridiculous idea, but we do have to find some solution that will utterly deter them. They’re not scared of death.” In not responding in those terms, Eliyahu demonstrated eloquently (if that’s the right word) his unsuitability to be a Government minister, particularly at this sensitive time.

It would have been very easy for Netanyahu to fire him, particularly since his Government ministry (he is the Minister of Jerusalem and Israel Tradition) is a meaningless entity created only to manufacture a ministerial seat that could then be given to Otzma Yehudit to cement their position in the Government coalition.

However, Netanyahu chose only to suspend Eliyahu from Cabinet meetings for an indefinite period. Demonstrating the Government’s extraordinary fragmentation, Government ministers mocked the ineffectuality of this disciplinary action. “This is a joke, there barely are any cabinet meetings anyway, and most of the work is being done in rounds of votes by phone,” an unnamed minister was quoted as saying.

A couple of hours later, Eliyahu tweeted: “It is clear to anyone with a mind that the statement about an atom [bomb] is metaphorical. But we definitely need a powerful and disproportionate response to terrorism, which will make it clear to the Nazis and their supporters that terrorism is not worthwhile. This is the only formula that democratic countries can use to deal with terrorism.”

He is not wrong about ‘anyone with a mind’. However, it should also be clear to anyone with a mind that a Government minister needs to engage his brain before engaging his tongue when being interviewed on live media.

Which brings us to Netanyahu himself. As the whole country rallies round and pulls together, Netanyahu continues sowing seeds of discord. Having attacked the fellow members of his security cabinet, and then tweeted his support of them, Netanyahu apparently announced that: “The day after the war, the effect, on Hamas’s plans for October 7, of reservists refusing to serve will be probed.”

The remarks were reportedly made in response to a reporter’s question at a briefing for diplomatic correspondents.

According to tweets by Channel 13 reporter Moriah Asraf Wolberg: “I asked the prime minister if he felt guilty and if he had prepared for war as the IDF had warned, and he replied: 1. No warning was received. 2. I warned about [reservists’] refusal to serve and I said that at the moment of truth, it wouldn’t happen [my emphasis]. The day after [the war], the connection between the refusals [to serve] and [Hamas leader] Sinwar’s moves will be probed.”

I would add to this that, on the radio this morning (Monday), another correspondent who was present at the briefing stated that Netanyahu further qualified his comment by presenting the refusal to serve as only one of several possible influences on Hamas’s decision to attack that will be investigated immediately after the war.

Once again, there are mitigating nuances here, even though, once again, Netanyahu’s response was remarkably ill-considered, particularly for a politician as cagey as he is. Unless, of course, he had a Machiavellian agenda that I am missing… but that seems far-fetched… doesn’t it?

My takeaway from all of this is that I shall endeavour, in future, not to react with a jerk of the knee every time I read a breaking story. I will try to read around the subject a little, and to acquire as much as possible of the context. We are living in an atmosphere that encourages instant reactions. No sooner does a message arrive by WhatsApp than we send it on to others. We need, perhaps, to guard against being quite so trigger-happy. Let’s strive to focus a bit less on the breaking news and a bit more on the mending nuance.

Changing the subject, your homework for this week is to come up with a realistic plan for what happens after (if) Israel completely destroys Hamas in Gaza. That is, of course, the huge question that is increasingly occupying everyone’s mind here… and elsewhere.

On a less controversial note: Raphael still thinks gan is the greatest thing since blueberries, Ollie seems a mite bemused, and Tao, having entirely missed the terrible twos, is now embracing the for-crying-out-loud fours.